
The only way love can last a lifetime is if it’s unconditional – Stephen Kendrick

A midst a busy and hectic schedule of working on my thesis, I have found the time to procrastinate and resort to some blogging. Personally, having spent quality time with myself this year and having being involved into relations of all kinds, may it be through a friend, a colleague, family or dear ones – it astounds me to see the difference of understanding of ‘loving unconditionally’ between the age groups of my parents as compared to my generation.

Being an individual of the current century, however with certain views percolating to how an elder era thinks is something I choose. When I see an old couple together is when I realize and understand how love can actually be or how it can turn out! Dating back to the years of my grandparent’s marriage and trickling down to my parent’s 30 years of togetherness, I wonder if I would be able to pull off such a strong base.

We all fall in love at some point in time, may be with the right or wrong person – but we all definitely do and there is no substitute to that feeling. In days that we live, where everything has conditions, so does relations. Where personal gains are chosen more than the idea of togetherness, where ‘I’ come before ‘We’ are ideas that my generation face these days. It seems impossible sometimes to find a person who can actually stick around no matter what or just be themselves with their partners.

I envy the older generations who gave up their liking  their personal lives and compromised a whole lot just to be together. It definitely takes a lot of guts, compassion, mental stability and faith in the other person to do so. Having my mother, be one of the biggest examples who is a foreigner (Trinidad & Tobago), got married to my Dad (Indian) and left all her luxuries and traditions to settle down in a town of India which is completely a different world together is happily married for over 30 years now. I have surprisingly never seen or heard her question anything. On the other hand, my Dad being the most supportive human beings, gave in, encouraged her and most importantly loved her unconditionally so that she never felt away from Home.

Marriage is a beautiful bond between two people who are blessed to spend the rest of their life together. Loving blindly is not something which anyone should opt for, but loving unconditionally is a feeling which is gifted to us as human beings. Personally, not being married or with any experience of how marriages could be or get, I can only hope, wish and have faith to find my soul-mate on the other side who I can assure to be a ‘We’ and an ‘Us’ rather than a ‘You’ and a ‘Me’.

About kirtipanchal

Writer. Media Geek. Musical Lover. Girly. Tom-boyish. Believe in Love, Faith & Hope. Scorpion to the Heart. Social Bee.
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